Independent kindergarten center games can be easy! Let me show you how!
Independent Kindergarten Center Games: The Secret Sauce!
As you probably know, I am a HUGE fan of building student independence! We have important work to do in our small groups… right? So we need center activities that students can do independently. My secret ingredient for success has been using predictable activities. Games are the “secret sauce: of student engagement!
This math fluency game helps students with a variety of number concepts. As the teacher, you can control the cards you want your students to work with. Perhaps you are working on numeral recognition or subitizing? Maybe you are working on addition and subtraction fluency. In fact, you could place two sets of cards in this one game so that students with different needs can practice skills that are right in their lane! AKA: differentiated center activities!
Because they are games, students are focusing on the FUN and over-learning skills. That is how fluency works: engagement + practice! It sure beats the heck out of “drill and kill”!
You can find this resource HERE.
Teach it once!
Teaching the structure of various games is important. So I create games that have the same structure, we just swap out the skills as we progress.
For example, this game is learned early in the year with letter recognition skills.
Then, later in the fall, we can play it using beginning sounds!
And still, later, we work on vowel sounds! As I swap out the games, the students learn the new skill, but they don’t get bogged down with learning the structure of the game. BONUS: You don’t get bogged down either!
You can find this resource HERE.
Keep it fresh!
When you are working on something like letter identification or sight words, it can be a year-long pursuit!
Offering various themes makes it seem “new.” This tells the brain to wake up and pay attention!
You can find this resource HERE. Psst… these are editable so you can add your own words.
It is just fun!
Fun learning is the best type of learning! Students eagerly jump into their stations. Since they know what to do, you are free, free, free to work with your small groups! I was asked to make a non-seasonal set of BUMP games that would last all year. Wah-la! They are done!
You can find this resource HERE.
Read more about Independent Kindergarten Center Games:
Your Free File
If you would like to try the BUMP game for free… simply add your email in the box below!
2 Responses
I love the small group as the aspect for concept learning! Do you make certain groups for you games small groups or let the student choose their own? I love that the learning can be fun instead of as you said “drill and kill”. Students learn so much more when they are having fun and interacting instead of being bored.
Sometimes, during small group time, I let the students select a game that we will use as a warm-up. Other times, I will deliberately pick a game for the group. I agree! Fun games = fun learning!!!