Kindergarten Graduation Ideas and Parent Gifts

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas are here!

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas with diplomas, a parent gift, and an end of the year memory book for students to make.

Are you looking for a few kindergarten graduation ideas?   Here are a few that I did with my class. 


I made these diplomas editable so I could just type in the students’ names (in this case… Dexter the Dog…Ha!)  There is also a Pre-K and first-grade version and they come in black and white too!

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas with diplomas, a parent gift, and an end of the year memory book for students to make.

Kindergarten Graduation Caps

These caps were a big hit.  We just make them out of construction paper.

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas with diplomas, a parent gift, and an end of the year memory book for students to make.

Parent Gift

We used these hats to create our parent gift.  After I took the picture, I edited in an internet program called PicMonkey. It is a pretty easy program to use, but if you need directions, they are included in the end of the year unit.  This is one from a few years back.

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas with diplomas, a parent gift, and an end of the year memory book for students to make.

Memory Book

There is also a memory book!  Students loved remembering their kindergarten year.  It was fun to see what some of their cherished memories were.  I also have one that says “On the Last Day of School” as an option.

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas with diplomas, a parent gift, and an end of the year memory book for students to make.

There are eight pages so you can make this book match your classroom need.

Kindergarten Graduation Ideas with diplomas, a parent gift, and an end of the year memory book for students to make. Kindergarten Graduation Ideas with diplomas, a parent gift, and an end of the year memory book for students to make.

You can see this unit (it is only $3) by clicking HERE.


FREE end of the year Cards

One thing that we always enjoyed doing was sending cards to the other staff in the building.  So I whipped up some thank you cards that your students can create for some of the other support staff.  They always love getting them.  You can download these below.  Just enter your email and the file will be sent directly to your inbox.  Just note, some school email servers block these types of downloads.

FREE end of year files

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End of the Year Cards!
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Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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3 Responses

  1. Thank you for these cool idea! That diploma will give my kids a big surprise.

  2. When I type the names into the diplomas they are too far up and I am unable to change the font size, any suggestions?

    1. Hi there!

      Yes, you have to download the file and save them on your computer. THEN close all of your internet browser windows NEXT open the file. It sounds like you are trying to edit them in the Adobe app. They should work.

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