Dollar Deal Graphing Worksheets and Printable Activities for Kindergarten

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$ Dollar Deals $ Graphing data worksheets for your kindergarten students to practice their measurement and graphing skills. These are no-prep kindergarten worksheets that are perfect for classroom use and can be used for morning work, extra practice, or in your math centers.

These traditional graphing worksheets are perfect for practicing how to use graphs with your kindergarten students and will make your lesson plans so much easier to prepare. These are no prep kindergarten worksheets that are perfect for classroom use and can be used for morning work or extra practice to help support basic concepts. Kindergarten teachers agree that these almost free resources make learning fun and engaging. and have had a positive effect on their math instruction. Each set of graphing activities was made with kindergarten students in mind. These no prep worksheets just need to be simply printed out, and your kindergarten students are ready to practice using bar graphs, tally charts, and picture graphs.


Here is what you will find in this printable pack of graphing worksheets:


  • Soccer Graphing – kindergarten students will count the number of items and graph them at the bottom of the page. This is a great way for young learners to practice graphing data.
  • Football Graphing – kindergarteners count the number of each object and graph it on the graph below. This is a fun way for students to practice making their own bar graphs.
  • Bowling Data Analysis – kindergarten students will read the bar graph and then answer questions about the graph.
  • Let’s Run Bar Graph – kindergarten students will read the bar graph and then answer questions such as which item has the most, which has the least, etc.
  • Sports Tally Table – your students will count the number of each ball and draw tally marks to represent the balls shown.
  • Volleyball Data – kindergarteners will count the number of volleyball items shown, graph them in the blank bar graph then use the data to complete the equations. This is a fun way for students to create their own graph.
  • Golf Data– students will count the number of golf items shown, graph them in the blank bar graph then use the data to complete the equations.
  • Graph the number of players – kindergarten students will count the number of kids that play each sport and then answer the graphing questions. This is a great worksheet to use during a data math lesson.
  • Our Favorite Sports – kindergarten teachers could use this printable to create a graph with your own class data after asking students what their favorite sport is, graph the data together and answer the questions.
  • Which ball has the most? – kindergarteners will read the bar graph and write the number of each ball shown, then answer the questions.


These kindergarten math worksheets work well for little learners and are a great for graphing practice. However, you will find these almost free printable worksheets provide helpful practice regardless of the child’s age, even first-grade students could benefit from these engaging worksheets. These printable activities will download as printable PDF files and can be used for whole group practice with math lessons, small groups, math centers, or independent practice.


Who Loves These Worksheets?

  • Kindergarten teachers because of their no prep design.
  • Homeschool parents because of low ink requirements and engaging activities
  • Kindergarten students! These early learners will love them because they are lots of fun!

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Are You Looking for Different Subjects Dollar Deal Kindergarten or First Grade Worksheets?

You will find a variety of printables that are geared towards younger kids. From basic addition and other math skills to the letters of the alphabet and more. You will even find theme worksheets.

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