Literacy Centers: Letters and Print Concepts

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These kindergarten literacy centers are hands-on learning that you can use at ANY TIME of the year.  This set of letter identification and concepts of print literacy centers offers 15 individual practice sets for independent center time.  You will love these non-seasonal, low prep activities!


Adorable themes keep students engaged but you don’t have to worry about matching your centers to seasonal themes.


Clear student directions with visual “I CAN” cards for each task will keep your students working independently during center time.


How do these kindergarten literacy centers differ from others?  These literacy centers offer a multitude of ways to practice letter identification and concepts of print.  Each set will offer 8 – 12 hands-on tasks for the students to complete.  Our goal here is to never hear, “I’m DONE!” during center time.   We want to give students plenty of opportunities to practice their letter identification and concepts of print.


Additionally, these literacy centers are not tied to a season so you can rotate these letter identification and concepts of print literacy centers and anytime during your kindergarten year!


You may decide to have students spirally review letter identification and concepts of print all year!  These center activities will keep these essential kindergarten skills current and ongoing!   Practice makes permanent!


Here is what you find in this set of letter identification and concepts of print literacy centers for kindergarten.

  • Each center has 8-12 questions that provide lots of practice!
  • “I Can” card which provides visual directions that emergent readers can use independently
  • Student response sheet


What are some other ways to use kindergarten literacy centers?   These activities were created for kindergarten students to use during center time.  However, you can also use them as morning work, small group instruction, interventions, or even an assessment!  Some teachers send a set of centers home to be used as a homework activity.


This Kindergarten Literacy Center Pack Includes these fun and engaging kindergarten activities:

  • Colorful Pups Literacy Center! Match the capital letter to the capital letter
  • Colorful Pups Literacy Center! Match the capital letter to the lowercase letter
  • Gnome’s Garden Literacy Center! Match the capital letter to the lowercase letter (4 versions)
  • Fruit Friends Literacy Center! Print concepts by sorting letters by upper or lowercase letters (3 versions)
  • Letter or Word Literacy Center! Print concepts by sorting letters or words
  • Sweet Friends Literacy Center! Print concepts by sorting letters by upper or lowercase letters (4 versions)
  • Sweet Friends Literacy Center! Alphabetic order
  • Curvy or Not Literacy Center? Print concepts by sorting letters by their features (2 versions)
  • Rainbow Pandas Literacy Center! Matching lowercase letters to capital letters
  • Trolls Alphabe tLiteracy Center! Matching lowercase letters to capital letters
  • Alphabetic Cookies Literacy Center! Alphabetic orderAlphabetic Cookies Literacy Center! Alphabetic order


These literacy centers were made so they can be used anytime in the year. In other words, these literacy centers are not tied to a monthly theme. This will allow you to differentiate your center times.


Prep is quick and easy… Just print the student pages, gather the materials listed, and you’re ready for a fun and engaging class!


NOTE: These literacy centers are purposefully predictable! Once your kindergarten students understand the format of these activities, you can simply switch out the skill and you don’t need to reteach the activity! SCORE! (Go ahead… do the happy dance.)




Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.



Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.



⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jessica S. says, “I love that these are done by skill rather than by theme.  I am excited to be able to find activities for rhyming (for example), that doesn’t have to be used at a specific time of year.  I can’t wait to use them with my students this year.”


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ LeQuita G. says, “Easy to use consistently so you do not have to reteach every month.”


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Jennifer T. says, “Students loved the activities and I loved how it allows them to be independent :)”


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Primary Sunshine says,“LOVE THESE!!! Easy to pull out and set up and my students can work independently on them. So great!”


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Nancy S. says, “Another great resource to add to my centers! My Kinders will love the variety and I love how easy you make it to help them build their independence! ❤️”


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Kris J. says, “I was struggling to find resources to support my K-1 ELA students. This bundle was exactly what I needed! Every activity is engaging and purposeful. My kids LOVE the activities.”



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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

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