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Poetry Music and Video for February
Check out the video preview:
Poetry 2 Music and Video Files Preview
I have teamed up with Miss Jenny and Edutunes to put my monthly poetry stations to music.
Themes include: Groundhog’s Day, American Symbols, Valentines, and 100th Day of School!
This unit contains 4 songs:
- MP3 track for each song with vocals
- MP3 track for each song karaoke version
- MP4 file of each song
- Lyrics in color and black and white
- QR codes for video streaming
- Google Classroom Ready Files
This unit also includes 4 videos that you can download or stream!
Save Money by purchasing the BUNDLE!
Poetry 2 Music and Video Files
If you need Poetry Journal Covers you can find a FREE download by clicking:
Poetry Journal Covers
Poetry Stations and Shared Reading Complete Set
If you are looking for Shared Reading Resources that include:
5 daily activities to keep your poem going all week
An emergent reader for each poem
A student copy for their poetry notebook
2 sorting activities with response pages
Large print to create pocket charts displays for each of the interactive poems
Check out more of Miss Jenny’s fun learning songs by clicking:
Miss Jenny and Edutunes
Lyrics: ©2015 Deedee Wills
Musical Composition: ©2015 Miss Jenny & ©2015 Edutunes
Musical Production: Pierre Gill
All Rights Reserved
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