SUPERCHARGE your read aloud lesson plans with these print and teach activities!
We have some great books to use for Christmas read alouds. We also have some other books that do not include Christmas themes. These interactive reading lesson plans will guide you through your daily instruction in reading comprehension, responding to literature, sentence studies with mentor sentences, crafts and more!
These No Prep Print and Go Lesson Plans will save your teaching life! SERIOUSLY!!!
- These book lessons are so easy to use. Our scripted lessons take the guesswork out of your interactive read alouds planning!
- Reading Comprehension skills are taught spirally all year. This research-based approach helps make practice permanent and ensures students will revisit various reading comprehension skills in REAL WORLD literature.
- Tier 2 Vocabulary is introduced and studied each week with lessons that stick!
- Sentence and grammar study is incorporated into each read aloud.
- A variety of comprehension assessments that include scoring rubrics, multiple choice, and true/false tests.
- Common Core State Standards and TEKS standards aligned for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
The teacher does the reading work while the students do the thinking work. These lessons are grounded in research. It is said that the person doing the most talking is the person who is doing the most learning. SO these lessons scaffold instruction to get students talking. Side-by-side, students learn comprehension strategies such as Predicting, Visualizing, Retelling, Text Details, Connecting, Inferring, Character Analysis, Opinion Writing and so much more. You won’t believe how quickly students fall in love with your read-aloud time.
Brain research reveals that reading comprehension starts with listening comprehension. Since kindergarten, first grade students, and second grade students have listening skills that far surpass their ability to decode words, it is imperative that they participate in daily deep conversations surrounding books that allow them to strengthen their thinking! Don’t wait! Start building pathways to deeper thinking today!
These units can be used on their own or as a supplement to your current reading curriculum. They are simply the easiest and most enjoyable way to drive up student engagement. Join the thousands of teachers who have transformed their ELA block.
- 5 Day Interactive read aloud discussion lesson plans
- Reading comprehension strategies to help all students deepen their connections and engagement to books. A variety of response page options are available so you can select the one that works best for your students.
- Full color pictorial retelling cards that can be printed or used as a PowerPoint pictorial retelling file for your whiteboard. This sets students up for success! The pictures support students as they strengthen their oral language.
- Interactive writing to support your students where they are.
- A craft for each book.
- QR code that links the response pages to a video version of the book.
- Additionally, reading and phonics assessments have been added to ESGI which you can access for FREE with your ESGI subscription.
- You can get 2 months of ESGI for FREE by clicking and using code PD825.
NOTE: This isn’t a packet of worksheets. These Engaging Readers read aloud lessons and activities actually guide you through the process of using quality read-aloud books to teach the standards for reading comprehension.
This interactive read aloud unit will save you hours of work because EVERYTHING is all planned out with easy to follow lesson plans. Just add the book!
Just PRINT (or add to your digital classroom plateform) and TEACH! Each week focuses on one book and takes you through a variety of lessons to get your kids reading like never before.
Each lesson has differentiated reading responses to fit the needs of Kindergarten- 2nd grade.
The books needed for this unit are:
- The Polar Express
- Too Many Tamales
- Bear Snores On
- Peter’s Chair
- The Gingerbread Man
- The Gingerbread Girl
- The Gingerbread Baby
- Catch That Cookie
Great for Distance Learning, Google Apps, Seesaw Activities, Seesaw Kindergarten, Seesaw first-grade, Seesaw 2nd grade
The best part of this unit? These Seesaw activities have been already loaded for you. All you need is a Seesaw account and the links that are provided in this file. WOOT!
Seesaw offers excellent training and quick start guides for you and students
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Kayla C. says, “I cannot wait to start this out from the BEGINNING of the year… my students made so much growth just using it towards the end of the year, so I’m excited to see how it goes. I love the review task card activities you have included (super fun & engaging!), as well as the additional practice to go with the word work. AMAZING!”
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Nancy H. says, “My students love using the resources from this packet. I have purchased several months. They are engaging and meaningful. I already use and love many of the stories and this provides engaging comprehension activities. I like the scaffolding she provides in the activities. I begin with the individual handouts and move pretty quickly with the interactive cut and paste slips.”
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Kathleen L. says, “I have purchased every unit created and will continue to do so until I have them all. I love the completeness of each lesson. My District uses the DRA for benchmark testing and these units have been vital to the success of my students. All aspects of literacy are carefully woven throughout each lesson — and I can modify if needed. In short, no matter how I choose to use these units my lessons are always complete. I am so grateful to you for the countless hours spent on creating such quality. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Q: Are these research-based lessons?
A: Yes! We have extensively researched the best practices surrounding reading instruction. You will find the resources that guided our thinking in the preview.
Q: Will these work with my current reading program?
A: Absolutely! Use the components that work best for your students.
Q: I already have the print version of the Engaging Readers that I got from Deanna Jump. Will these distance learning lesson plans be added to that bundle?
A: I am sorry, these are not going to be added to the bundle. However, you are more than welcome to send the response pages from the print version home to students/families or convert them to digital version. A digital version was specifically requested in our Facebook Group and we agreed to create a version.
Q: Can I see a step by step process on how to load the digtial files to Seesaw?
A: Yes, view the video for a step by step guide
Q: How does this connect to Seesaw?
A: Inside the download, you will find a file called READ ME FIRST. The links for each activity for the week. You simply click on the link (inside of the PDF) and it will ask if you want to add it to your Seesaw library. How EASY IS THAT!?
Q: Will these distance learning files also work in Google Classrooms?
A: We have added a PowerPoint version and the moveable parts/backdrop screen have all been saved as individual files. You can upload them to your Google Classroom account.
Q: Do you need my Seesaw login information?
A: No, inside of the document, there are links. As you click on the links, the lesson will be added to YOUR set Seesaw activities. It does not matter if your TpT email is different from your Seesaw email.
Q: Can I share these distance learning files with my parents?
A: These files are meant to be shared. They may not be placed on a school-wide server that is not password protected.
Q: Can I share these digtial files with my team?
A. This purchase is for a single classroom use only. You may purchase an additional license if you wish to share the files with another teacher.
Q: Will my parents need a different login to use these activities.
A: No, these activities will be added to your library and you can assign them as usual.
Q: Can I edit the audio of the premade Seesaw activities.
A: This file includes the images so you can certainly make your own directions to the tasks.
Q: I’m having trouble loading the activities into my Seesaw account.
A: Please know that Seesaw is a bit busy right now. A trick is to log out of your account then click the link in the PDF again. That seems to work perfectly. You may need to repeat these steps of logging out and then clicking the links. We hope that with time Seesaw’s site will be less overwhelmed.
Q: Will these work on Google Classroom, One Drive, Canva, Class Dojo?
A: As I am not fully versed on those platforms, I will say this. You will be given a PowerPoint version of the file. Additionally, you can assign Seesaw tasks in these platforms using the student link. Here is a video that will walk you through the process: LINKING SEESAW INSIDE OF OTHER PLATFORMS
PowerPoint™ is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Apple iPad™ is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Google™, Chromebook™, Google Drive™, Google Docs™, and Google Classroom™ are registered trademarks of Google Inc. Seesaw ™ is a registered trademark of Seesaw Learning, Inc. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered ® trademarks of their respective holders. Deanna Jump/Deedee Wills are not sponsored by, affiliated with or endorsed by the above corporations and/or their trademarked products and services.
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