Write the Room Literacy and Math Kindergarten Centers – Fall – Thanksgiving November

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Product Description


Write the Room math and literacy activities are a great way to get kindergarten students up and moving during center time. These kindergarten centers will keep students engaged while practicing math and ELA skills.


These kindergarten math centers and kindergarten literacy centers are seasonal and have fun, themed activities for Thanksgiving and Fall.


Pull out your clipboards for students to use while walking around the room. Kindergarten students will love these write the room centers!



Literacy Write the Room Center Activities for Kindergarten

  • Sight Word Pumpkin Patch – This is an editable sight word activity. Add your own sight words! There are 2 response sheets for easy differentiation! Students will write the sight words or trace the sight words that are found around the classroom.
  • Acorn Alphabet– Students trace the letters of the alphabet with the correct color. There are 2 sets – both capital and lowercase letters can be practiced.
  • Harvest Time! – Students sort the letters and words. This is great for practicing print concepts!
  • Nuts About Letters – Students read the letters and sort them by capital and lowercase.
  • Fall Sounds – Students will look at the picture and write the beginning sound. This is great for isolating initial sounds.
  • Leafy Sounds – Students say the picture names and color the two pictures that start with the same sound.
  • Piles of Word Families – Students will say the name of the picture and listen for the ending sound. Students will color the word family chunk that they hear.



Math Write the Room Center Activities for Kindergarten

  • Sweet Treats – Students count the harvest-themed pictures and write the number word to tell how many.
  • Thankful for 10 Frames – Students count the ten frames and complete their own ten frames to match. Or, they can write the number word to match! Differentiated response sheets!
  • Fall Addition – Students count the pictures of objects and write an equation to match.
  • Squirrely Order – Students say the numbers in order and then write them in order.
  • Thanksgiving Friends – Students count the pictures of objects and subtract the ones with an X on them. Students will write and solve an equation to match each picture.




These write the room activities are purposefully predictable so you don’t need to teach new activities each month. In this way, students can work independently at their center and you can work with a group without interruptions.

Each center activity comes with a response sheet for students to complete. Students walk around the classroom, finding the cards that you placed throughout. This center activity is a fun way to practice those math skills and literacy skills!



Every month, there is an editable sight word center! Simply add the sight words you are working on with your kindergarten students, print the cards, and hang them throughout your classroom. There are 2 versions of the response sheet so you can easily differentiate for your kindergarten students.


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Write the Room Kindergarten Math and Literacy Centers Bundle


Included in each month of kindergarten centers: 

  • Minimum 4 kindergarten math write the room centers
  • Minimum 4 kindergarten literacy write the room centers
  • Recording sheets for the activities
  • “I Can” cards to help build student independence


What teachers are saying…

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “I already had three or four different bundles of write the room from other sellers, but I wasn’t loving them. I decided to give your’s a go and I LOVE IT! So easy to prep, love that I can edit the sight word one, love that it’s not just kids writing the words. They have to put a little work into completing the station correctly. Love everything about this!!” – Alisa R.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “My students LOVE using this writing the room resource. It engages ALL learners and even my students with special needs are having a good time hunting for letters and CVC words. It can be adapted to all learning modalities. HIGHLY Recommend!!” – Teresa L.


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “My students LOVE write the room activities! These have been such an awesome addition to our daily centers. I love that the recording sheets are levelized. I can challenge my higher students, and offer support to my struggling students using the same activity. “ – Jessica L.


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