I have been asked to tell more about our morning routines and some of the activities we do to introduce sounds and phonemic awareness. Here we go…My friends start coming into my room at 8:00, but the bell does not ring until 8:30. So my students have a few options to keep them learning and engaged.
Bell Work
Early Finishers?
Once they finish this activity, they can move onto a few options. You can read all about my early finisher ideas in THIS post (there is even a free download over there). Here are a few tried and true options: They can do shape puzzles My kids are obsessed! These are a free item from Kerri Bordelon from Teacher Bit & Bobs and we LOVE THEM!
Click here to hop over to Kerri’s post in Blog Hoppin.
Click here to see some of her other great ideas on her blog.
What am I doing during this time?
I’m greeting students, assessing students with ESGI, getting lunch count and attendance, reading parent notes about transportation changes, hugging and drying the tears of students who might need a little TLC, AND if time permits grabbing a few of my intervention students.
Calendar Time
Once we finish our pledge, we hit the ground running!
Here is our Building Skills morning routine. I take a photo of it on my iPad then use the Educreations app to write on it.
We use the free version. Then I connect to my computer through the AirServer. I would tell you more, but … seriously… I have no idea how it works. It just does! Can I get an alleluia?
Shared Reading
We also use our poems to help us identify ALL. KINDS. OF. THINGS. In this photo from last year, we were looking for the capital letters. Right now, we are searching the poems for letters we know.
I used to use highlighting tape, but one of my bloggy friends told me they use the poly folders and cut them up to highlight letters, words, or punctuation… love it!
Word Work
Last week we looked at some videos. We. Love. This. ONE!!
I can NOT stop singing this one! I can’t embed this video, but if you click on the photo, you will go to You Tube. Seriously, if you are working on rhyming, you will love these two.
And one more!
Would you like to try a free version of my Read, Trace, Glue and Draw? Just enter your information in the box below.
15 Responses
I really like these ideas for morning work. Do you read the sentence on your trace and write papers to the students that morning?
Sort of… For example… Right now "can" and "see' are on our word wall. So I make them read it. Also yellow is a word we know and the rebus helps with figuring out "pencil." I just fill in the blanks. For this example above, I would just tell them "you" and "my."
Thanks! That makes sense. I would do the same thing. 🙂 We haven't started sight words yet and color words are after Christmas so my kiddos would have trouble with the reading at this point.
That make poly folder into highlighter tape idea is GENIUS!! I'm going to do that for sure 🙂
Okay I need to figure out how to do that with my iPad!! Do you need Apple TV??
Hadar… I am so ignorant. We used Air Server (that our tech department set up.) I'll see what I can find out for you.
I've had that app for awhile but haven't really used it. Love that idea.
Love your poly folder idea too!
Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)
Could you post the names of the videos you used from youtube. My computer wont let me look at them. I can go straight to youtube if I know the name. Thanks
I was thrilled met you briefly at the TPT conference. I SO enjoy reading your blog and am amazed at all of the great ideas I still get from you although I've been teaching for 27 years! I've been thinking about you this year as I too had a more challenging class last year, but am in heaven so far this year. How are your kinders treating you this year???
Awwwww…thanks for the shout out Deedee!!! Those graphing mats look fabulous!! 🙂
I love those sorting mats. I am totally making these tomorrow. So quick and easy.
I was wondering what you do if kiddos do not finish there work? I always have such a hard time with this!
Where can I get your sorting and graphing charts that are above? It won’t let me click on them.
Thank you…I love all of this!!
Love these ideas for morning work!
cant wait to try these out