
First Grade Math Curriculum Bundle


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Product Description


First Grade Math Units These First Grade Math units are research-based and designed specifically for first grade teachers and students. This is all you need to teach math for the whole year! Download the Preview for the Curriculum Map and a sample from First Grade Math Unit 2. This Bundle includes all ten units in the series.


These First Grade Math units provide hands-on engaging lessons for you and your students.

Each first grade math unit will provide four weeks of detailed Math instruction.

Each day’s lesson includes fluency practice, a new concept introduction, whole group exploration time, student application, and a regroup/share time.


We believe in covering the standards so that your students have a deep understanding of the math concepts. Our goal is fluency and accuracy. These aren’t merely a pack of worksheets they are actual research-based hands-on lessons and activities.


These are the concepts that are covered in First Grade Math Unit 1

Subitizing and looking for patterns

*Using addition or subtraction to put together or take apart.

*Using Number bonds

*Adding and subtracting -using strategies

*Adding and subtracting -fluency


These are the concepts that are covered in First Grade Math Unit 2

*Add and subtract- using strategies

*Use addition and subtraction within word problems

*Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract

*Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem


These are the concepts covered in First Grade Math Unit 3

*Counting to 120 starting at any number less than 120.

* Understanding place value

*Composing and decomposing teen numbers and counting on

* Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represents amounts of tens and ones

*Subtracting multiples of 10

*Comparing two-digit numbers using <,>,=


These are the concepts covered in First Grade Math Unit 4

*Comparing three objects by length

*Addition fluency

*Express length of objects as a whole number unit

*Subtraction fluency

*Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks

*Organize and represent data.

*picture graphs

*Organize and represent data.

*bar graphs

*Organize and represent data.

*Survey and tally marks

*Organize and represent data.



These are the concepts covered in First Grade Math Unit 5


*Distinguish between defining attributes versus non-defining attributes

*Compose simple shapes to form larger shapes

*Analyze and compare 2D and 3D shapes

*Composing Shapes

*Partition circles and rectangles into 2 or 4 equal parts


These are the concepts covered in First Grade Math Unit 6

This unit includes fun, hands-on work with addition, subtraction and a variety of word problems.

*Add and subtract using strategies

*Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem

*Relate counting to addition and subtraction

*Use addition and subtraction within word problems

*Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract

*Determine, the unknown whole number in an addition and subtraction equation, relating three whole numbers.


These are the skills that are covered in First Grade Math Unit 7

*Add and subtract within 20

*Addition strategy (making 10)

*adding three numbers

*Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the number, without having to count

*Compare two two-digit numbers

*Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.

*Add two-digit numbers and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings.


These are the concepts covered in First Grade Math Unit 8

*Order 3 objects by length. Compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third object.

*Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units

*Organize and represent data.

*Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks

*Analyze and compare 2D and 3D shapes

*Partition circles and rectangles into 2 or 4 equal parts


These are the concepts covered in First Grade Math Unit 9

*Add and Subtract within 20

*Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction

*Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem

*Add two-digit numbers and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings.



These are the concepts that are covered in First Grade Math Unit 10

Review of all standards: Includes practice pages for each standard, help me practice cards and Math awards.


View the preview for the Curriculum Map and a sample from First Grade Math Unit 2. The First Grade Math units are also listed separately if you prefer to purchase them that way.



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