Ocean Animals Themed Sentence Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets! Dolphins, seahorses, and more featured in this set of Read, Trace, Glue, Draw, & Write sentence worksheet. You can decide to have your students trace or write depending on their needs. This can be used as morning work or as a handwriting or sentence practice center.
This simple sentence printable allows them to practice reading, handwriting, sentence structures, punctuation… and a little art!
What a fun way to practice their high-frequency words!
NOW in 3 letter writing formats:
- Trace the sentence printable with arrows.
- Trace the sentence printable without arrows.
- Write the sentence printable
Save more than 20% on the bundle! You will get this file plus every Read, Trace, Glue and Draw I have ever made or WILL ever make.
Read Trace Glue and Draw Endless Bundle
Are you looking for decodable sentences with handwriting practice? Check out this bundle of 150 decodable sentences:
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