Peek at my Week: The first week of Kindergarten!

Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!

Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!

Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!

  Are you getting excited?! Here are some kindergarten first week of school activities!  You will also see how my day is scheduled!

Focus Wall

I start each week out with a focus wall that contains that week’s learning objectives.

Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!


This is a fun and easy first day activity.  I sent these home on the last day of school.

Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!

Centers and Stations 

Our writing station starts the year off on the right foot.

Name Activity

 And we loved making these buses last year from Deanna Jump’s unit.

Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!

First Day Books

 Here are a few books that we LOVE!

Downloadable Lesson Plans

You can download my first week of school plans by clicking on the image below. 

Check out these ideas for kindergarten first week of school activities for your brand new students, including crafts and writing stations!

Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!

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Kindergarten First Week of School Activities are featured in this blog post. Name activities and lesson plans for back to school!

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Picture of Deedee Wills

Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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16 Responses

  1. Yay! I love that you are still doing this. I will be here next week to link up!!! Those writing center cards are my favorite! I LOVE, LOVE how you have them displayed!

  2. Amazing! Do you happen to have a link for the focus wall resources?

    1. Thank you Stephanie! It is linked. You can also see it in the thumbnails below. 🙂

  3. I love your Peek at my week. It has helped and inspired me with great ideas over the years. THANK YOU!

  4. Yay!!! I'm so glad Peek at my Week is back! I love seeing everyone's lesson plans and getting new ideas! We start back next week, so I'll link up with my first week plans then. Thank you for this invaluable resource!

    Learning Adventures

  5. I love that your Peek at my Week is back just in time for my first week of school too! I LOVE that you have all of your manipulative linked up as well as the products you use! What a great way for everyone to see what you are using! Thank you for sharing!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  6. Hi DeeDee, I was wondering how you decide the order that you teach your letters. I have seen so many different ways and I am at a lost as to which is the best way. Thank you for the Peek at my Week posts! I love them and everything you do.

    1. Hi! When Deanna and I set out to map the letters for Guiding Readers, we put a lot of thought into the path of motion of each of these letters. We also looked at what experts recommended and went from there. I hope that makes sense.

  7. Hi Deedee,

    I read in one of your blogs about the students filling in their own behavior chart for the day. Is that one that you made, or did you get it from somewhere? I like that idea of them filling it in, because it makes them more aware of how they act at school, and helps them reflect on the day.

  8. Hello
    I love your classroom. I was wondering what are the self portrait in? Are they frames?

  9. Hi there! Is your lesson plan for full day kindergarten? For some reason when I click on the image it won’t open anything or download 🙁 Is there another way to access it? I see that you start literacy stations and writers workshop on the first week. How do you go about introducing your stations and the procedures, and are you actually getting them rotating the first week? I usually don’t start for several weeks into school so I’d love to know how you start it so early on! Also, I purchased your writing units and I am so excited to start using them soon to drive my writing instruction with my class this year 🙂

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