Practice the letters and sounds that are included in the Not Your Mother’s Sight Words program. The skills practiced in this file align with the systematic sight word instruction program that was published by Deedee Wills and Deanna Jump. This file does not replace instruction. This set of activities provide a way for students to practice the skills taught to them through the program. Learn more about the Not Your Mother’s Sight Words by clicking HERE.
This product currently has the following:
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 1:
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: a, b, h , t , is, for
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 2:
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: i, l, m, n, r, see, the, I
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 3 (Review of Previously Learned Skills):
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: a, b, h , t , i, l, m. n, r, t , is, for, see, the, I
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 4:
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: c, d, f, g, this, and
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 5:
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: e, j, o, q, an, a, here
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 6 Review of Previously Taught Skills:
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: c, d, e, f, g, j, o, q WORDS: a, an, and, here, this
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 7:
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: k, p, s, u, x (ending sound only), can, you
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 8:
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: as, v, w, y, z on, went
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 9 (Review of weeks 7 & 8)
- Drag and Drop Sounds and/or Sight Words: k, p, s, u, v, w, x (ending sound only) y, z WORDS: can, on , went, you
- Build the Sight Words and Type
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 10:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: b, f, g, m, p, r, t, w
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): -at, ap
- Build the Sight Words and Type: am, at, if, in, it, its, off, on, up, upon, us
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 11:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: c, h, v, d, s
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): an, ad
- Build the Sight Words and Type: dad, had, ran, man, ask, said, has, his, as
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 12:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: j, e, k, l, n
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): am and review
- Build the Sight Words and Type: no, go, so, also, was, saw
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- Sam saw the jam.
- Sam had the jam on bread.
- Pam was sad.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 13:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: a i v p m
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): op, og
- Build the Sight Words and Type: me, be, we, she, he, her
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- The frog sat on the log
- He was hot in the sun
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 14:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: f, q, g, o, b
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): ob, ot
- Build the Sight Words and Type: got, hot, mom, not, want
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • Rob got on the bus.
- • Rob saw Tom on the bus.
- • Rob had a job at the lab.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 15:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: r, t, u, w, z
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): ed, et
- Build the Sight Words and Type: get, let, red, tell, ten, well, yes
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- Meg had ten red hens.
- Meg let the hens out of the pen.
- Meg fed the hens.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 16:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: a, s, c, y, n
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): ut, ug
- Build the Sight Words and Type: but, cut, put, run
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- The pug was a bug.
- The bug was in the hut.
- The pug and bug sat on the rug.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 17:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: h, d, l, z, e
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): it, ip
- Build the Sight Words and Type: did, sit, him, big, six, will, have, give, live
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- Kip will fix his big rip.
- Kip will get the kit to fix the rip.
- Kip will put a pin in the rip.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 18:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: j, b. k, r, p
- Drag and Drop CVC Words (onset and rime): ig, in
- Build the Sight Words and Type: my, by, try, fly, why
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- My pig will try on a wig.
- The wig looks good on him.
- The pig will do a jig.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 19:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: k, b, p, r, j
- Drag and Drop digraphs ch, sh
- Build the Sight Words and Type: much, such, push, wish, wash
- Listen to the Sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- Josh got a red fish on his rod
- Josh got the fish in the mesh bag.
- Josh let the fish go
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 20:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: f, t, s, h, w
- Drag and Drop Digraphs th, wh
- Build the Sight Words and Type: that, then, than, them, with, when, which, what
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- Beth took a bath when she got home.
- What did Beth do after her bath?
- Then Beth went to read with a friend.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 21:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: a, c, y, q, i
- Drag and Drop Ending Digraphs: ck, sh (review)
- Build the Sight Words and Type: pick, back, say, may, play, day, away, always
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- Chuck went back to play with his dad.
- They drove far away to get Aunt May.
- She always loves to visit for a day.
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 22:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: b, g, r, u, m
- Drag and Drop Digraph: oo
- Build the Sight Words and Type: to, too, do, into, undo, today
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- Jack ran into the barn to get food.
- The cows are very hungry today.
- Do you want to play too?
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 23:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: j, v, k, d, n
- ING words: king, ring, swing, string, wing, sing
- Build the Sight Words and Type: look, took, good, soon, black
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
• The room will look good with black paint.
• He took the king some food.
• Can you bring the book back soon? - Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 24:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: c, f, i, p, t
- L Blends: blocks, slug, globe, flood, clam, plum
- Build the Sight Words and Type: sent, of, from
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
• The plant is from her mom.
• Who sent you those beautiful flowers?
• Is that frame made of glass or plastic? - Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 25:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: a, z, e, l, x
- S Blends: scarf, smore, star, spider, snack, sloth
- Build the Sight Words and Type: stop, just, must, best, fast, help, jump
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- This is my very best scarf.
- Lyla got a yellow star for running fast.
- Did you see the sloth jump for his snack?
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 26:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: b, h, m, o, q
- R Blends: brain, crab, drum, tree, grapes, fruit
- Build the Sight Words and Type: bring, sing, going, things, does
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • Please bring grapes when we meet to sing.
- • Are you going to the library after school?
- • Does your mom always buy that many things?
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 27:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: c, g, n, s, y
- ANG words & review of ING: fang, bang, hang, string, king, wing
- Build the Sight Words and Type: come, some, done
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • Do you want to come to the beach?
- • Please bring some snacks to share.
- • Are you done looking for turtle eggs?
- Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 28:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: d, f, j, p, r
- R Controlled Vowels: barn, shark, star, corn, horse, stork
- Build the Sight Words and Type: far, start, are, or, part, more
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • The shark swam far to find more food.
- • Would you like to start horse riding lessons?
- • Why is part of the barn blue?
- •Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 29:
- Sounds and Sight Words for Week 29:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: i, k, t, u, w
- CVCe (A & I): game, cage, frame, lime, mice, knife
- Build the Sight Words and Type: came, make, take, gave, ate
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • Please take the knife to your mom.
- • Sally gave the cake to her brother.
- • Do you know who ate all the fish?
- • Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 30:
- R Sounds and Sight Words for Week 29:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: i, k, t, u, w
- CVCe (A & I): game, cage, frame, lime, mice, knife
- Build the Sight Words and Type: came, make, take, gave, ate
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • Please take the knife to your mom.
- • Sally gave the cake to her brother.
- • Do you know who ate all the fish?
- • Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 31:
- Sounds and Sight Words for Week 31:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: b, g, o, z, q
- CVCe Review: cave, hive, robe, flute, flame, tire
- Build the Sight Words and Type: were, where, there, their
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- •Where do you think the giraffes are going?
- •They are going over there for food.
- •The giraffes were running from us.
- •Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 32:
- Sounds and Sight Words for Week 32:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: c, f, I, m, x
- Trick Y words: sky, python, fry, spy, cycle, cry
- REVIEW: Build the Sight Words and Type: bring, come, soon, did, pick
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • Did you see the python at the zoo?
- • Rain will fall from the sky soon.
- • Will the spy come help us?
- • Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 33:
- Sounds and Sight Words for Week 33:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: d, s, i, k, r
- Trick Y words: sandy, puppy, bunny, daddy, penny, city
- Build the Sight Words and Type: pretty, funny, only, many, any, easy, very
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • The bunny has pretty white fur.
- • She felt dizzy after she fell.
- • My daddy likes to tell funny jokes.
- • Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 34:
- Sounds and Sight Words for Week 34:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: w, n, h, t, y
- Trick Y words (E & I): sunny, story, jelly, holly, butterfly, magnify
- REVIEW: Build the Sight Words and Type: much, gave, good, best, well
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • This is the best grape jelly ever.
- • Do you think this is a good story?
- • How much holly do you have?
- • Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 35:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: a, e, j, k, v
- REVIEW: Build these words: yard, bang, trash, sloth, wing, broom
- REVIEW: Build the Sight Words and Type: saw, play, going, push, which
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • Which broom should I use to sweep?
- • Are you going to take the trash out?
- • The sloth loves to play on the swing.
- • Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
Sounds and Sight Words for Week 36:
- Sounds and Sight Words for Week 36:
- Review Sounds Drag and Drop: b, g, l, o, z
- REVIEW: Build these words: whisk, whisper, shark, shampoo, sock, clock
- REVIEW: Build the Sight Words and Type: part, with, took, always, them
- Listen to the sentence then drag and drop the words in order:
- • I always use shampoo in the shower.
- • Do you like the socks with the stripes?
- • They took the clock with them.
- • Assessment: Listen to the sounds and or sight words and type what you hear.
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