Tips for Organizing your Reading and Writing Rubrics

Most of the time… I am a mess.  At the beginning of the year, I have everything in its place.  Then after the first day of school, I am constantly looking for things.   I want to give you a few tips for organizing your reading and writing rubrics now.

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will always be at your fingertips and organized all year long.

The Anchor Charts

If you have our Guiding Readers series, these anchor charts will look familiar.   Deanna and I have been wanting to create skills based reading rubrics to go along with the anchor charts.   BUT FIRST we wanted to update the anchor charts so they would look like our writing anchor charts… OY!   The need to have matchy-match is REAL!  You can see our writing anchor charts in this picture.

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.

So we went through both editions of the Guiding Readers units and created an additional version.  If you have previously purchased these units, you can get this update for FREE by going to “My Purchases” on TpT.  We left the older version in there if you want them, but added these as an option.

New Anchor Charts 2

The Rubrics

Then we created reading rubrics to go with each of the reading skills.  There are 15 different rubrics in 4 different formats.

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.

Here is my tip… I laminated the black line master of the rubric to the back of the reading anchor chart.  I know the 4-to-a-page version of this rubric would work best for me.

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.

So let’s say on Monday, my lesson calls for a schema lesson and this is a lesson I want to assess.  I would simply put the reading rubric on the copy machine and…

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.

Viola!  the rubric is ready to go!

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.

Then students would write their response then I could attach the schema rubric! Simple!

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.

For the writing rubric... I keep them in the binders with the actual unit.

Tips for organizing your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.


This is what my lamination situation looks like at home.  But in truth… this is not the full picture.  I actually have 3 laminators (one has been edited out!)   The 3M film is thick enough that you can print these anchor charts and rubrics on plain paper. You can find a similar laminator HERE.  They are not as expensive as you would think. I have collected these over the last few years.  The cheap ones work just as good as the expensive ones in my opinion… so I went CHEAP!   I like to have more than one because you can do the dueling-banjo routine with 2.

Organize your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.


Tips for organizing your reading and writing rubrics for the whole year! Simple tips so your rubrics will be organized all year long. Align your rubrics with your anchor charts.

There you have it… your reading and writing rubrics are now organized for the whole YEAR!

If you are looking for JUST the reading anchor charts and rubrics, you can find them HERE.

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Picture of Deedee Wills

Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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16 Responses

  1. Each time I click on the reading or writing rubrics it takes me to Deanna Jumps TPT for the Guiding Readers Units. I have looked through her TPT for the rubrics but I can not seem to findo them.

    Am I just missing it? Could you help me out?

    Thank you!

    1. Nope! You are in the right place! We added the rubrics to the Guiding Readers units. So you will find them inside the units. All you have to do is redownload your Guiding Reader purchase from TpT and you will have the rubrics for FREE!

      I hope that helps!

  2. Can I print one set for the whole year or are there different anchor charts for each unit?

    1. You can print one set for the whole year. We threw all of the anchor charts and rubrics in each of the monthly units. So in August, you won’t use them all, but by the end of the year, you will have used them. I hope that makes sense. At first we were only going to include the anchor charts and rubrics that would be covered for that month, but then we thought that would be harder on the teachers.

      I hope you like them!!!!

  3. Y’all are amazing! Now the anchor charts match my classroom color scheme–and we all know how we teachers love matchy matchy! 😉

    Thanks again!


  4. I have tried to download the new anchor charts for the ELA units that I bought it the Kindergarten Conference in Illinois. I can’t seem to get to them. The download does not show up in my purchases and I purchased it at the conference. Can you help me please?

    1. Hi Amy… So sorry! I forgot to add that into the file. I just did! AND You should have just gotten an email from me 🙂

  5. I would like to purchase only the rubrics. Is this an option? Thanks! They look AMAZING!!!

    1. We are working on this… We should have them ready within about 48 hours. You can will find them in Deanna Jump’s store 🙂

  6. This is great! Do you have a resource that is just the anchor charts and the rubrics? or a list to see which anchor chart strategies go with each readers?

  7. Deedee, you use to have a a parents guide to kindergarten writing. When I click the link that I have saved for this, it is bringing me to this page. Is it embedded in some packet. I would love to get my hands on it! Thanks so much!

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