Clipboards in the classroom can be a fun tool for students to use throughout their day. Check out these great ideas on how to use clipboards in your classroom.
Clipboards in the Classroom
Adding the use of clipboards throughout your day can provide an opportunity for greater student engagement. Whether students are working independently, in a small group, or even completing a whole-group task; clipboards can be a great tool. Let’s take a look at seven ideas for using clipboards in the classroom.
Clipboard Idea #1: Independent Writing
After teaching a mini-lesson for writers’ workshop, give students the option of writing around the room. They simply grab a clipboard and find a space that is comfortable and helps them to totally focus on writing. Now, of course, you will need to model this and set clear expectations.
Using clipboards also allows for students to move around the room and use classroom resources. One student may check out the word wall while another student pulls a resource from your writing station.
Clipboard Idea #2: Small-Group Activities
I’ve heard so many teachers talk about how they run their small-groups on the floor. This is the perfect opportunity to use clipboards to keep those beautifully copied resources from being punctured by pencils. You could also use sheet protectors and dry-erase markers to save paper! If you want to get fancy, you can purchase these reusable dry-erase pockets.
Clipboard Idea #3: Outdoor Classroom
I have a friend who taught at a school that had an outdoor classroom and she would take her class outside throughout the year. They would go out with their clipboards and whatever they were working on to enjoy some fresh air. The kids loved it! You could also use clipboards for fun nature lessons or scavenger hunts!
Clipboard Idea #4: Technology
Year after year, we are seeing a greater push for the use of technology in classrooms. It’s great when students can use technology to support what we are teaching. Use clipboards for a writing activity that supports student learning on devices. They can easily move around the room during centers or other learning times.
Clipboard Idea #5: Write the Room Centers
My students LOVED the Write the Room literacy center. So many skills can be practiced with Write the Room and it keeps those busybodies moving!
Do you need some Write the Room centers? Click below!
Want to know more about Write the Room? Here is a blog post all about it.
Clipboard Idea #6: Interactive Read Alouds
Make your read aloud more engaging by having students interact with the story at the carpet. Students can respond to the story by making a prediction, a connection, or in any way you choose. When students have the materials at the carpet, you avoid the possibility of students losing focus on their way back to their workspace. Instead, they respond to reading right at the carpet in front of you. Also, you can quickly make observations about student comprehension.
Clipboard Idea #7: Whole-Group Lessons
Students can use clipboards at the carpet during whole-group lessons. Once again, it’s a quick way for you to see who is understanding the concept and who may need a little more support. I always felt like I had better control and my students were more engaged when we were all together at the carpet.