Videos for your dental health theme
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month so we always tried to make certain we had an entire dental health week in our lesson plans. This is a great time to watch a few videos on how to keep healthy teeth and proper dental care! Your kindergarten and first graders will learn so much about teeth, tooth decay, and proper dental hygiene with these fun videos.
Dental Health Videos for Kids
The first five dental health videos are all from SciShow Kids! I seriously LOVE this YouTube channel. Their educational videos are perfect for young children. I love how they are short and jam-packed with great information. I couldn’t choose just one so here they are!
Why Do We Brush Our Teeth?
This video explains the importance of oral health and how brushing our teeth helps to keep teeth strong and healthy.
Teeth: Not Just for Smiles
This video takes a look at the type of teeth humans have. It also explores how human teeth differ from animal teeth!
Why Do We Have Baby Teeth?
Kindergarten and first grade are full of wiggly baby teeth… right? [I always sent my kiddos to Mrs. G. She was the epic wiggly tooth handler in kindergarten.]
This video discusses why we lose baby teeth and how to take care of the permanent teeth that grow in!
Visiting the Dentist! Health for Kids
This is a great video on what to expect when you go to the dentist. Things like:
- What do dental hygienists and other dental professionals do?
- What are some of the tools dentist use?
- How great your teeth feel after being cleaned!
- X-Rays
- Cavities… yep! NOPE!
Remember to Brush Your … Egg?
This would make a fun classroom activity. This would make a fun classroom activity. This experiment emphasizes the importance of students taking care of their teeth., but students can also actually see how brushing keeps your teeth clean!
Delta Dental: Land Of Smiles
Delta Dental puts on an amazing program for schools called Land of Smiles. Depending on where you live, Delta Dental will come to your school and perform a 30-45 minute assembly for primary students. They also have an online option. Here is some information I grabbed from their website:
Delta Dental’s Land of Smiles® program performed by NTC, is a free and engaging children’s educational program that teaches students in pre-kindergarten through third grade the importance of good oral health habits. Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease, and more than half of the nation’s third graders have had at least one cavity. To help combat the prevalence of tooth decay among students, “Land of Smiles” reaches thousands of children each year.
During the interactive in-person performance or online show, characters Captain Super Grin, Terri Tooth Fairy and Toothpick along with Caz Cavity explain good oral health care techniques, good and bad foods for the teeth, and why it is important to visit the dentist.
Throw Your Tooth on the Roof
I love this tooth book. I always included it in my Tooth Bag (a bag I sent home with students whenever they lost a tooth.)
This book is about different tooth traditions from around the world! It is long, so the 3 part video series is perfect so you can break it up during dental health week!
What Causes Cavities? Ted-Ed
This is a pretty interesting video that is filled with information that even I did not know. I love the look back at how poor oral health has been around since the history of man. Archeologists discovered that they had dental problems too!
The video also emphasizes the need for daily brushing, a balanced diet, and other helpful tips for a lifetime of healthy smiles!
How to Brush Your Teeth Properly – For Kids
This is another great video on how to properly brush and floss your teeth, even at an early age. These healthy dental habits are not routine in many households. Some families may not discuss the importance of caring for their child’s teeth.
This is such a fun book! Students will learn about different animal teeth and how they work. They also will learn about how to keep our teeth healthy!
This series is a favorite for kids! There are literacy activities for this story as well.
Get them by clicking here:
Dental Health Videos
These videos are great for discussing good habits, regular dental visits, and tips for a healthy mouth!
4 Responses
This is a very unique blog, you have given very good information about dental in this blog and it is very useful for every child, thank you.
Good dental hygiene should start as early as possible. This resource can help parents encourage their children to take care of their oral health. Thanks for sharing these informational videos.
These videos will really encourage children to give importance to their dental health. Thanks for sharing this informational resource!
These dental health videos for kids are informative and engaging. It’s important to teach children about taking care of their teeth from a young age, and these videos make it easy and fun to do so. Mrs. Wills’ Kindergarten has done a great job in providing valuable resources for parents and teachers alike.