Classroom Resources for May… Are your lessons ready?

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books, lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

Read Aloud Books for May

We sure love studying the ocean in May.  The book, Hello Ocean by Pam Munoz Ryan i(affiliate link) is a great book to weave into your studies.  The language is rich and perfect for talking about figurative language and using our five senses!

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

For this particular Engaging Readers unit, we DID add vocabulary words so we could sort them my the five senses.  

Classroom Resources for May... Are your lessons ready? 2

Students then took their turn at using figurative language in their own writing.

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students. Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students. Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

We also love the book Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies.  You can read about how we used this book in the following blog post:  Shark Activities for Kindergarten and First Grade (FREE file Included in this post

Shark Activities for Kindergarten and First Grade. Book suggestions for informational texts and narrative texts along with lesson suggestions! Ideas for reading comprehension, schema building, and nonfiction writing too! Great for readers workshop and writers workshop! There is also a free math game included!

We also studied ocean animals in this blog post:  Ocean Week Lesson Plans (AKA Shark Week)… there is also a free file in there for you too!

Can you tell that we love learning about the ocean…lol?!

May themed centers

We love using the differentiated cubes for these activities!

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

Here a one of the response pages for my Math and Literacy Centers.  So CUTE!

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

May Writing Center

As you know, each month we put up a new writing center!  This is a peek at the one for June/July… but you get the idea!

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

Curriculum Guide for May

If you are looking for a resource guide for May, you can click HERE to download it.

Kindergarten Curriculum Guide for May. Are you ready for May? Here are some classroom activities, read aloud books,lesson ideas, and resources for you to use with you students.

Have a GREAT month of May!



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Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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4 Responses

    1. I do have a few resources that are editable where you can add your own words, but the directions and such would just be in English.

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