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Deedee Wills - Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

Secrets to Instant Planning… Just PRINT and TEACH

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy! Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Here are a few things we know about teachers.

  1. They want the absolute BEST for their students.
  2. They want to employ “Best Practices” in their classrooms.
  3. They. Are. Overwhelmed!
  4. Occasionally, they want to go home before 5 pm after school AND they would like to spend their weekends with their families instead of planning.

Does that sound like you?

We have heard from teachers all over the world who feel JUST like you.  Over the years, Deanna Jump and I have developed and refined curriculum that has been tested in our classrooms.  We have seen the power of focused instruction that allows students to develop at their own pace while providing opportunities for MAGIC!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy: Writers Workshop

Many years ago, Deanna and I wrote a curriculum for writers workshop. We studied what the experts had to say (Katie Wood Ray and Matt Glover) and combined with our own years of experience. Essentially, we taught a day, then went home and wrote out the lessons.  Then we repeated that process for 180 days. We know writers workshop can feel overwhelming.  We know that some teachers spend HOURS planning and second-guessing their instruction.  So we wrote concise, page-long, scripted lessons that support YOU as the teacher AND the students you teach.  Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

We could not have been more thrilled by the results.  Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Like I said, everything is planned.  This is the month at a glance page.  But each lesson is filled with easy to use instruction! 

Writers workshop Lesson Plans for Kindergarten and First Grade. Simply Print and TEACH!
Thank you, Deanna, for this image.

Then each day is constructed for you … Just PRINT and TEACH!Secrets to Instant Planning... Just PRINT and TEACH 2

Thank you, Deanna, for this image too!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy: Math Workshop

A year later, we were frustrated with our district’s math program.  It was under-cooked and worksheet ridden.   Yuck!  Students don’t learn math with a worksheet!

 So we repeated the process.  We looked to the experts (John Van de Walle and Kathy Richardson).  Then we tapped into our own experiences in the classroom.  We taught a day, then went home and wrote out the lessons!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Our math lessons are FILLED with hands-on learning that is done cooperatively with a partner.  Learning is social and FUN! Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy: Guided Reading

Both Deanna and I love teaching reading in a small group.  We know this is one of the most research-based way to differentiate our instruction!  How did we begin?  You got it, we consulted the experts (Jan Richardson and Fountas & Pinnell).  Then based on our own classroom experiences, we sat down and created lessons. Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

We also wrote texts so you don’t have to sell a kidney to get a leveled reading room.  These books are leveled according to guided reading levels.  So students can progress at their own individual pace.  Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

We included word work…  Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

AND guided writing activities. 

You can read a detailed blog post on these units that walks you through the various steps of Guided Reading and sets you up for success! You can see that post by clicking HERE.

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy: Reading Comprehension

Boy, howdy… did we need something!  The experts in close reading (Fisher and Frey) lead the way!  We knew that we, as teachers, could NOT have a deep conversation about books when the books themselves did not lend themselves to higher order thinking.  So we selected some GREAT books!  Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

 We planned each book with guided lessons to take the guess work out!  Simple!  Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

 We included text detail and retelling cards for almost every book. Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

And naturally, we wanted students to be able to respond to the text.  Here are some examples of students visualizing in the text. Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Students also worked on character analysis.  Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

We created rubrics and anchor charts for each reading strategy.   Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy. Writers Workshop, Math Workshop, Guided Reading, and Reading Comprehensions Lessons for Kindergarten and First Grade. Just Print and TEACH!

What are teachers saying about these units?

Writing Units

“As an Academic Coach at our Title I school I just want to thank you for creating an excellent writing resource for my K-1 teachers. They are so looking forward to using this resource in our classroom’s this year.”

This Writer’s Workshop bundle has been a game changer for me. It is so easy to follow and implement. It’s perfect for both “veteran” and new writing teachers. The best thing about starting my year with the bundle is that I have created a kinder class full of kinder kids who LOVE to write!”

Math Units 

“I just wanted to take a minute to let you know something awesome! I work at a small charter school in Columbia, SC. I teach a k/1 multiage class. We are a TAP school–you may not be familiar but basically each year we are given a value added score. It’s based on a scale of 1-5. 1 being when students regress, 3 is when they show a years growth and a 5 is showing significant growth. These are based on MAP scores. For the last two years I’ve been a solid 3 which I was thrilled with! I’ve been using your Writing Workshop for years and last year I added your Guiding Readers and adjusted your Guiding Firsties math so it could meet the needs of my Kinders as well. I just heard that my last year’s value added was a 5!! Thanks so much for developing an awesome curriculum in all areas! I saw my kids grow SO much last year!”

Guided Reading Leveled Texts

“Worth every penny. You will never know how appreciative I am to FINALLY have the help I need with guided reading. This is what I have been needing for eight years!!!”

“I wish I could give a rating higher than A. This product is absolutely amazing. It has transformed how I do guided reading. I highly recommend it for any teacher new to guided reading and those who have done it for years. Guided reading planning and preparation is a breeze and my students are loving the stories and activities. I am so happy with this purchase. Thank you!”

Reading Comprehension

“These lessons perfectly address every need I have to teach guided reading to my first graders. Your extensive attention to detail is untouchable. I teach first grade. I have taught at university and worked for a state department of ed, I highly recommend your work to ANY K-1 teacher. This bundle is exactly what is needed to teach young readers to be successful and excited about reading. I urge primary teachers everywhere to purchase this and see for themselves the magic that happens when it is used in the classroom.”
“WOW! We are loving this. My K kids are drawing things about stories that I did not think possible! I have had numerous visitors who cannot believe the conversations that my children are having about the books that we have read – love the quick letter review, my children are so excited to begin blending!”
We are extremely proud of these units and how they have changed the way teachers teach. You can find these Lesson Planning Secrets Made Easy Resources: 
Guiding Reading/Leveled Text Bundle 1 and Bundle 2
Reading Comprehension “Guiding Readers”  Bundle 1 and Bundle 2

 FREE Curriculum Guide

If you want to learn more about the curriculum map we created (which includes a ton of great free resources and a few sample lessons), you can grab your copy below.

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Picture of Deedee Wills

Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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10 Responses

  1. Just wanted to highlight one idea – your reading comprehension units do a wonderful job incorporating writing into the lessons. I was just reading about the importance of interweaving reading and writing. Your units accomplish this task well by having, in addition to a writer’s workshop block, a chance for students to use their writing skills to respond to read alouds. Well done!

  2. I love the Guiding Readers lessons. I also put my own twist on some of the lessons. I have all the writer’s workshop units also. I don’t have enough time in my schedule to do it the way it is intended, but I modified it to fit my schedule. My kids are doing great! I teach Kindergarten. Several of the first grade teachers said that my students were much more prepared for first grade than many of the other students that were taught with the adopted curriculum provided by our district.

  3. I have lost the link to the free emergent readers and plans from the webinar you gave. Can you plz resend it? I’m thinking of purchasing the bundle, but want a peek at what I’ll be getting. Thanks.

  4. I love using your lessons for math and guided reading. I am thinking of purchasing the whole group versions for next year- engaging readers1 but I’m wondering how you incorporate non-fiction? It doesn’t look like there are books included in that unit- do you do them at a different block? Do you have a unit you use?

  5. Hi Deedee! Do you have a product that is just comprehension posters, like the schema one in the post?

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