Sight Word Interventions!

Looking for ways to help your students with their reading? Check out these printable kindergarten sight word activities!
Here we are… February!
Today’s post could be titled:  All About Sight Words
We have stations in my class that support sight words already.  Here are a few:
We love the jumbo dice! These are from January.  You can see February’s version HERE.
Differentiated cubes can be found HERE.
 We love making words in the pocket chart during stations.  You can find February’s version HERE.
 Slight little typo that made me giggle, but it is still precious!
 We love a little bingo dauber games.  (This one is editable and you can see it HERE.)
And the easy Reader’s Theaters are the first things my students grab for in their desert tub when they are finished with their station.  These are from A Teeny Tiny Teacher.  You can find her Readers Theater scripts HERE.   Seriously… love them!
Sight Word Interventions! 7
Sidenote:  I have her current ones… I just didn’t have a photo of them… #fail.
Then at my table we are working on building words as part of our guided reading warm up.
We love these sight word cards.  On one side they have the word written.  You can read more about these cards by clicking HERE.
 And the other side has images to help them recall the words.
 Wikki Sticks are fun!
 We also like to write the words in context… great for handwriting practice as well.
One thing I struggle with is tailoring my sight word instruction to each of my students.
Student (A) has different needs than student (B).  AND I don’t want to spend time teaching student (A) a word if she already knows it.
Each week I assess my students on their needs.  Without ESGI it would be hard to keep track of it all.
I can quickly test them.
Sight Word Interventions! 11
This is what the sight word test looks like.  I have words loaded but you can create your own list of words.
Then I can print out a report that gets sent home.
Before it goes home I jot down their weekly “goal.”
 I got a GAZILLION event bracelets on Amazon.  I love them because they don’t break off the first 4 minutes of the day.
You can get a 2 month FREE trial of ESGI by clicking HERE.
Now that I was armed with their specific word goals, I would scramble around for resources I could find to support them.  I decided a few months ago that I need to create something that could be tailor-made for each student.  I finally finished this!
It is super easy to use.
Just type in a few words and select a theme.  The words will be imported into the document.


 If you go to the unit, you can get a free week by downloading the preview!
You can find this unit by clicking:  Help Me! Help You! Intervention Bundle
  Looking for ways to help your students with their reading? Check out these printable kindergarten sight word activities!
Looking for ways to help your students with their reading? Check out these printable kindergarten sight word activities!

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Picture of Deedee Wills

Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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8 Responses

  1. Your new sight word intervention pack is so awesome and easy to use! I love being able to type the words in on one page and have them appear on others!

  2. Love the idea of using the event bracelets. It was like a V8 moment….why didn't I think of that. Heading over to amazon now. Thanks!

    Luv My Kinders

  3. Hi, Deedee, I just completed a course called Formative Instructional Practices in my school district. Learning Targets are a key component to this course. Using your new sight word resource is perfect in differentiating these learning targets among my kinder cubs. I'm excited to get this and try it out! Making it editable and being able to put it into themes is like….WOW! I also went ahead and ordered the trial with the ESGI. Setting it up was very user friendly! My hope is that the testing will be so much quicker than what I do now. Thanks for your post! Linda Groce

  4. Deedee, I need your help. How are you able to print the report from ESGI with multiple quarters? Mine reports only print for what the children have accomplished thus far. I think yours much better. Maybe I need to watch the video on it, but my reports are as informative as yours. Any help would be wonderful. Thanks!

    1. I know! I love them! There is a link to Sharing Kindergarten in the blog post that will direct you. Let me know if you have any trouble reaching them.

  5. Hello! The link to the sight word cards doesn’t seem to be working. Those seem to be just what I need! Can you help me find them please? Thank you so much!

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