Station Signs Free Files

Station Signs Free Files for your kindergarten classroom!  These will help you manage your center or learning stations!  It is also great for Daily 5!
How do you get your students up and working in centers quickly?  I used a work board!  We spend the first few weeks learning how to read this board, then the students take care of the rest!
First I organize my stations on this pocket chart.  I think they have discontinued this chart but you can find a similar chart HERE.
Station Signs Free Files for your kindergarten classroom. Help manage your center or learning stations with this free printable. Math, literacy, word work too! Great for Daily 5!
The blue sign is for my students first center rotation, the yellow sign is for their second center rotation.   Make sense?
After their first rotation (20 minutes), I signal my students to return to the carpet.  I like to use a SHORT song to bring them back (a song under 2 minutes).   When students have all returned to the carpet, we have a little time to debrief.   I want to be sure all their centers were put away “neatly and completely” before we go onto the next rotation.  I also want to ask what they did during their center time to be a better reader or writer.   Then the students move onto their second station (yellow).  This allows me time to meet with a small group of students for guided reading.  You can read more about guided reading by clicking HERE.
One side held my literacy stations and the other side had my math stations!   Simple!
You can read some of my other blog posts on station management below
Feeling better prepared already?  I sure hope so!
You can find the stations cards as listed above by clicking HERE.


You can download a free version by completing the information in the box below.

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Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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222 Responses

  1. I love the pocket chart for your centers. I am always looking for ways to organize centers. Great! Thank you so much.

  2. I would love to get my hands on your writing work stations! Thanks for the great center freebies!! I may have to look into that pocket chart too.

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  3. So fun – I follow you both already. And I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your station signs. I just ordered the management chart at the end of last year for this new school year (which starts in a week – eek!). Your signs are much cuter:) Thanks as always for sharing!

  4. I love the pocket chart you use to organize your stations. I have a small classroom and have very little space for displaying my literacy and math centers. This might be perfect for me.

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  5. I follow both of your blogs! What a GREAT prize. Keeping my fingers crossed. 🙂

  6. Love the items in the give away. I purchased the overhead unit already and love it. I'm following both blogs.

  7. Thanks so much for the freebies! I just love all of your ideas! I follow both blogs.

  8. Love these! I already have January through May writing stations so I am looking forward to this one! I LOVE the In the Kitchen Packet and plan on buying it whether or not I win. Cross my fingers. I have a "What's for Lunch?" packet that I would have thrown in to your giveaway. Hey… That's an idea! I will give one away on our blog. 🙂 LOVE YOUR SITE! Your one of my favorite! Very professional! Stephanie

  9. I follow both blogs and I am so thankful for all that you both do to make our teaching happier and easier!

  10. I already follow both blogs!!! This is an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the center freebie!! They will definitely get used in my room!!!

  11. It's all great, but I especially love the Overhead Station! Such a great tool to use in the classroom! Thanks for the great freebie, too!

  12. love the freebie. thanks for all you provide. you are making getting ready for school easier

  13. Thank you so much for the station signs! That was one of my to-do items for this summer, since my old signs fell apart last year! Thank you, thank you for saving me some time!

    I also follow your blog and Growing Kinders.

    Thanks again!

  14. What great way to start of school with a few new resources:) Thanks for your freebie!

  15. What great way to start of school with a few new resources:) Thanks for your freebie!

  16. Wow! There's little room for my comments, lol. Thanks for the great ideas. And the timing is perfect too, lol!!

  17. Love the center signs! Do you use all these different stations all the time or do you swap them out? I would love to hear how you manage your centers!

  18. Love the center signs–Thanks. I do follow Growing Kinders and have enjoyed things from both of you!

  19. DeeDee, yours was one of this first blogs I started following when I started this journey into Kindergarten last year. I have been debating about getting that pocket chart from Really Good Stuff. I've been debating for a whole year now. Guess I should just take the plunge.

    Terri Izatt

    1. Ohh… Thank you! I really like the pocket chart. Having the pockets on both sides works great. I just flip it around mid-day for our math stations.

      I bet there are other pocket charts that would work though.

  20. I follow both blogs and utilize many of your products. I have had this chart for a couple years and have needed additional center choices. I am very thankful you are willing to share.


  21. You already know that you are one of my FAVORITE blogs! 🙂 I love Kathleen's blog also. I tried to download the free station signs and it kept showing an error. :/ Thanks for all that you create and continue to post on TpT and share. LOVE IT ALL!


    1. Oh No! I will send you the file. Sorry you had a hard time with Google Docs. It usually works pretty good.

  22. Deedee- I am also have having a hard time getting the Freebies. I am new, though, so it could be an operator error. When I click on the images it takes me to google drive. Do I need to set up a google drive account? Thank you again for the freebies. I LOVE following your blog!

    1. Hi Jessica… Yes, Google Drive is an updated Google Docs… Why do they keep needing us to update? AHHH!. If you still can't get it, email me and I'll send the file.

  23. I love both blogs! I really love the station signs. I was going to make my own after vacation. Thanks for getting one more thing off my list to set up a new kindergarten classroom.

  24. Hi there!
    I love everything that you make!
    Thank you for such a great freebie, ang give-away!!

  25. I'm not really ready to think about starting school again yet, but winning a give away would sure make it easier! :0)


  26. I love your blog and have followed both you and Growing Kinders since I discovered blogs last winter. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas!

  27. Hi!

    I follow both the Growing Kinders and Mrs. Wills Kindergarten blogs.

    Carol T.

  28. I love your blog! I am moving from 3rd grade to Kindergarten this year–holy moly what a difference! Even my classroom set up is completely different…there isn't a big girl chair to be found in my room! Anyway, thanks for all the freebies! I love them and I have read Debbie Diller's Math and Literacy Stations this summer because of your blog!

    1. How fun! I think you have picked some great professional reads!

      I laughed out loud about the chairs. When my husband or son stop by my class, it is hilarious to see their 6+' bodies fold up on those tiny chairs.

      Good luck and let me know if I can help you!

  29. I follow both of the blogs. Love the ideas you both have! Keep them coming! =)

  30. I follow Mrs. Wills blog by email & just love when a new post appears in my inbox! It's a great way to follow! These station signs are ADORABLE!! Thank you!!!

  31. I have been following your blog for a little bit and I absolutly love your pocket chart and organization. I am a new teacher starting in less then 20 days, so excited but very nervous that I wont have everything. Thank you for all your great ideas and I will continue to follow your blog.

    1. Tracy! How totally exciting! Get your game face on! You are going to have an amazing year. Just remember the first few weeks of kindergarten feel impossible (even for seasoned teachers). Hold on tight!

  32. I have followed your blog for a while now, and I have gotten many wonderful ideas from you. Thank you for sharing your ideas about teaching AND about blogging in general.


  33. I have that pocket chart and love it. I used both you freebies last year! Thanks

  34. Thanks for the directions on how to follow a blog–I was too embarrassed to ask how. I now follow both blogs!

    1. Yvette, I am sorry you were embarrassed to ask. Please know this… You can ask me ANYTHING. I promise to never roll my eyes…LOL! I am surprising ignorant about many computer related things, but I'm always willing to try!

  35. I love the stations. I was looking for something just like this! Thanks

  36. I follow both of you gals and I just purchased the writing station for August and September from you Dee Dee. I love it and can't wait to use it next month!

  37. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blogs and units! I hope I win!!! I follow both blogs!


  38. Wow, thanks for all you do to give all of us K teachers a helping hand! 🙂

  39. I had trouble finding a symbol for my write the room center, these are really cute graphics! Thanks for sharing!

  40. You are an amazing lifesaver. I love everything you share. Thank you so much!

  41. Love, love, love the double sided pocket chart-thanks for the cards! And thank you for sharing so much 🙂

  42. I love these station signs!! My kindergarten team and I are starting math work stations in the fall after reading Debbie Diller's book and these will be perfect for us! Thank you! Thank you!


    Klassy in Kindergarten

  43. I have been following you for a while now! I love EVERYTHING you make. I know it is a busy time of year, but is there ANYWAY you could make a "Teacher" station for the pocket charts? I love matchy matchy and would really appreciate it!

    Mrs. Hoffer’s Spot

  44. THANK YOU!!!! I am starting my first year in kindergarten after teaching third grade and this was exactly what I needed as the deadline to school approaches! Thanks so much. I love your blog!

    Teaching in Blue Jeans

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