Batastic Week! All About Bats!

What a great week we had studying bats!
Our shared reading poem was 5 Little Bats.   This is a poem that I co-wrote with my teaching buddy.  You can copy it off or find it in our October Shared Reading and Poetry Station Packet.
 We followed Deanna Jump’s bat unit.  We made the adorable bats from the unit, but did I get a picture of them… NOOOO… Seriously, sometimes I scare myself!
 I think my bat drawing improved over the week.
 Here is one student’s report.   L-O-V-E!

I ended up pulling this out of my Nocturnal Math Work Stations.  We used the +1 dice, so I added bat erasers for support.  You can see one at the bottom of this page…he is trying to get away!
 The very sweet Tanya Solano sent me these darling little detective hats. I TOTALLY knew I wanted to use them, but I was not sure how.  Then I saw these fun I Spy activities from Marsha McGuire and I pounced on them!   I modified the card a little because I had printer issues…ERRR!
I was too cheap to print them again!  LOL
Batastic Week! All About Bats! 29
Click on the picture to find the above activity.
 AND…we pretty much went crazy for Vowel Bat by Shari Sloane.
This super-cute book is from Kim Adsit.
Batastic Week! All About Bats! 30
Click on the picture to find this book.

 I will leave you with this video we watched that will sort of haunt you because you will sing it while you are at the grocery store.    
So sorry!  I will be back tomorrow with my Peek at my Week!  I! Promise!

YouTube video

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Picture of Deedee Wills

Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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10 Responses

  1. Hi Deedee! We are doing week two of our bat unit this coming week..well if we are back in school this coming week. We are due to get hit pretty hard from Hurricand Sandy. I love the poem!
    My students love that video! I play it each morning for them at circle, and they go "batty"…HA!!!
    Thanks for some great ideas!

  2. LOVE the hats 🙂 I love the many bat ideas you did this week! Looks like your kids had a lot of fun. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Deedee!

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  3. I love everything about this post Deedee. What an amazing place your classroom is! Thank you for being such an amazing inspiration to all of us. You are such a blessing. =)

    I shared a bat bones poem for this week that we are going to use as we Tally them Bones…we will use and then EAT bat bones to help us with tally marks. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE for you to come and check it out. =)

    Heather's Heart

  4. I've been a little behind on my reader and finally caught up with this post. Love everything you do, of course. You are amazing. But was a little star struck when I saw one of my I-Spy activities! What? Deedee is using MY I-Spy. It was the high-light of my day. Thanks Deedee. You're the best.
    A Differentiated Kindergarten

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