Dragons Love Tacos | Reading Lesson Plans & Activities

Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.


Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story. 

Dragons Love Tacos

Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin is a hilarious story that you and your students are sure to love! Plus, this story can be read at any time throughout the school year!  
YouTube video
Deanna and I added this story to our digital Engaging Readers unit for February. Along with the week-worth of lesson plans, there are five reading response tasks for students to complete either online or in a printable format.  
Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.
Throughout the week of reading activities, students will practice five reading comprehension skills. 

Making Predictions

After a few pages, students learn that dragons don’t like to eat anything spicy. Then, the story reveals that there are jalapenos in the salsa. Students make a prediction on what they think is going to happen next in the story. 

Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.

Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.

Cause and Effect

Here is where you discuss the events of the story with your students and talk about the effects of those events. 


Making Connections

Students write about a connection they made with the boy in the story. They love this activity because they get to tell you all about their room and what they like.


Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.

Author’s Purpose

This can sometimes be a difficult reading comprehension skill for students. This is where whole-group discussions can help students develop and build their understanding. 

Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.


This is also a favorite for students! They have the opportunity to tell you about their favorite part of the story. The goal is for them to also tell you why that part is their favorite. If your kindergarten students aren’t quite ready for that, it is quite alright! However, first graders should be able to explain why. 

Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.

Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.

These fun reading comprehension lesson plans and activities are available in the February Digital Engaging Readers unit. You will also receive lesson plans and activities for three other great titles! Check it out, here: 

Before we went digital with this book, it was originally one of our Engaging Readers books for second grade.  If you would like to look at the printable version, you can click:

Dragons Love Tacos lesson plans with Seesaw preloaded digital activities, a PowerPoint for Google Slides, and printables! Students will love responding to literature with this fun story.

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Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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