Essential Kindergarten Activities for a GREAT year! (with FREE File)

Need help in finding kindergarten activities for this upcoming year?  Let me show you one of MY favorite activities that will help you start your year off!


We start the year with this simple activity.  Students just roll and trace!  Easy!  WE LOVE THESE CUBES!   You can find them over on Amazon by clicking HERE.
We also have numeracy activities!
This is from my October Just Roll With It unit, but we certainly don’t forget the sight words!  I used my ESGI assessments to target the words we needed to review.  I can quickly see which words need a bit more practice.
We roll in the bucket, so we don’t have the “BIG MONEY! BIG MONEY! MAMMA NEEDS NEW SHOES”  Action.
 As the year progressed, so did the complexity of the skills.   In this activity, students would create words then record them as real or non-sense words.
 These are so simple to prep… print, cut, and insert into these CUBES.  I did not laminate the cards.

These units include math and literacy activities and many tasks are editable, so you can customize the activities to meet your individual student needs!   Hello differentiation!

These units have been totally updated and each include an “I Can” Card!
Click HERE to find them!


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Picture of Deedee Wills

Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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4 Responses

  1. Deedee, you make me laugh . . . “big money . . . mama need new shoes” Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sorry, I forgot to mention I have the whole year of “Just Roll With It” and I and my kids love it! It’s everything you say it is . . .

  3. HAHA! “Mamma needs new shoes!!” You’re the best. I promise that now when we use this center at school (I already own the bundle) I will laugh and think about you at the Vegas craps table!! LOL!

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