Kindergarten Calendar Worksheets | Daily Spiral Review

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!
Kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. minutes each day!
kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!
Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy, and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes

Kindergarten calendar worksheets:  Our Daily Routine

Yesterday I was preparing our “calendar” work packets that we call “Building Skills.”

My students gather around the carpet while I display the image on the whiteboard (my iPad was being a wee bit crabby, so it was a smooched image… ahh… technology!)  In his way each child is completing the task at the same time.  Nobody can zone-out and start to study their shoes [including their teacher.]  

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!

I am able to walk around and support students as needed, but honestly, at this point, they are pretty independent.  I mostly get out of their way!

Here is what the November 3rd worksheet looked like:

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day! #kindergartenmathworksheets #kindergartenphonicsworksheets #kindergartencalendar

To break it down.  We start by sorting the letters by capital and lowercase letters.  This is a sometimes under reviewed skill so I like to review it several times.  Then students correct the sentence.

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!

In the math portion of the worksheet, students practice writing numerals.  The numerals vary each day.  Also, our favorite activity is the “Mystery Number!”  As the year progresses, we work up to 30.

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!

We then select a domino out of the bin and create an equation for it.

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!

And finally, we discuss different word problems that would give us the answer below. Such as, “There were 5 scarecrows in the field, but one blew over. Now there are 4.”

Such a GREAT continuous learning opportunity.

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!

Each day our kindergarten calendar worksheet will look different we will practice other skills, but still spiral around to revisit those we have practiced before.  Practice makes PERMANENT!

Kindergarten calendar worksheets:  Grow throughout the year

Each quarter has 5 different formats.  I like to select a variety of worksheets so we can spirally review.  I simply gather 20 sheets (what I think I will need for the month) and then I staple the monthly cover on them. Here is a peek at a few of them from Mid-YEAR.

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day! kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!


Kindergarten calendar worksheets: You may be interested in…

I have a few other blog posts that may interest you on calendar journals:

You can find these kindergarten calendar worksheets by clicking:

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day! #kindergartenmathworksheets #kindergartenphonicsworksheets #kindergartencalendar

kindergarten calendar worksheets for math and literacy skills. Daily spiral review of kindergarten math skills, kindergarten literacy and phonics skills, PLUS calendar review! This just takes a few minutes each day!

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Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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7 Responses

  1. This looks WONDERFUL! I couldn't do this everyday though. My school (and district) is very stingy with paper. Maybe every other day?

    1. You could also show it on a interactive white board or document camera. Then have your class respond collectively?

    2. Oh okay. Sounds good. Thanks! And for further engagement, I could have each student respond on a white board.

  2. I love the idea of this, but just don't think I could carve the time out of my day. Maybe we could do a half sheet. Saves paper and time. Just a thought.

  3. Hi, where can i find these sheets to download
    My son’s teacher uses them and with school canceled I’d like to download them for him

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