Centers That Work! Differentiated Cubes! (FREE FILE Included)

Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations!

Over the years, I have fallen in love with these kindergarten differentiation cube activities (and my class did too!)

Kindergarten learning activities:  Differentiated cubes

We started the year off slowly.   Simply roll and trace.  Because I made these files editable, I could select any 6 letters I wanted the students to focus on and print them on the response page.
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
We also had kindergarten learning activities for numeracy activities as well!
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
Let us not forget sight words! Each month, I have editable sight word cards too!  I loved being able to look at my data to see which words I wanted to bring back for review.  I would usually include our 2 new words of the week, then toss in 4 other words that looked like they needed review.
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
We roll in the bucket, so we don’t have the “Craps-at-the-Bellagio-effect.”
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
If you are limited on paper copying, you can laminate the response page and students can use a dry erase marker.
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
 As the year progressed, so did the complexity of the skills.   In this activity, students would create words then record them as real or nonsense words.
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
And students create sentences with this set of cubes.
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
 These are so simple to prep… print, cut, and insert into these CUBES.  I did not laminate the cards.
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included

Kindergarten learning activities:  Math and Literacy Variety

Variety to key to having centers that are long lasting!  As you can see, we use these cubes for a ton of math center concepts and literacy center concepts!  The students love them and just think they are playing. [Mission accomplished]

Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included Kindergarten learning activities for math centers and literacy centers. Check out these kindergarten differentiation cube activities! Great for centers or stations! FREE file included
This cubes can be found on Amazon!  
Centers That Work! Differentiated Cubes! (FREE FILE Included) 8Centers That Work! Differentiated Cubes! (FREE FILE Included) 9 

Kindergarten learning activities:  The whole year long!

You can see the year-long editable math and literacy center bundle by clicking:



You can download a free “Getting to Know You” activity file that you can also use in these differentiated cubes.  Simply add your name and email below. 

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Getting to Know You Activity!
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Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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4 Responses

  1. I bought and used these last year with my class and they were fantastic! The kids loved rolling the giant dice and I loved that the recording sheets were editable, allowing me to differentiate between my math groups.

  2. This post was great timing. I just purchased the differentiated dice, and found out I'm moving to K, so these will be so helpful.

  3. I don't see a discounted price. Shows full price $28. I would like to purchase.

    1. Yes, the price for them individually is $45. The usual bundle price is $35. They are currently discounted to $28. I hope that helps.

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