Kindergarten Winter Worksheets Plus a Free File

A collection of winter worksheets to practice literacy and math skills in kindergarten and first grade. You will love these engaging, no-prep winter printables that work great for morning work, centers, or any time throughout your day. Plus a free winter math printable!

W is for WINTER: Break out the hot chocolate, warm clothes, and ice skates!

W is also for WORKSHEETS: Yes, sometimes you just need some skills-based, academically rigorous, no-prep activities for your classroom…and that’s okay! 

In this post, I’m going to share some engaging kindergarten winter worksheets to supplement your lesson plans and keep your students motivated to practice academic skills!

Using Worksheets in Kindergarten

Though I’m not a big proponent of using worksheets in the classroom, I do think that sometimes they have a very valid use in kindergarten. As long as we don’t overuse and over-rely on them, they can be a great way to achieve certain goals in your classroom. 

Experts tell us that well-designed worksheets have these benefits for our students:

  • A sense of accomplishment when a student completes the worksheet
  • A boost in confidence when a student sees that they are indeed capable of completing a worksheet
  • Bridging the gap between watching HOW something is done, and learning to do the task independently (I do, We do, You do)
  • Helping a teacher quickly see a gap in a student’s knowledge

So, whether you prefer to use worksheets for skills practice, morning work, homework, small groups, centers, or early finishers, worksheets DO have a valid place in your classroom. Even coloring pages have the potential to provide a student with some much-needed self-expression and relaxation if used at the right time.

Many teachers like to use well-designed worksheets as a no-prep way to engage students in morning work or a quick formative assessment. Worksheets that are thoughtful and skills-based can work perfectly for learning stations and centers, as well.

So, yes, you can feel good about using worksheets, and yes, they can be a great addition to your classroom learning toolkit! Just make sure you’re using the RIGHT KIND of worksheets!

What Makes a "Good" Worksheet?

Just what is the right kind of worksheet for kindergarten students?  A great worksheet will:

  • perform double duty for you. Good worksheets will focus on or assess more than one skill. For example, these Color-by-Number sets require math skills, color knowledge, number recognition, fine motor skills, and color recognition.
  • offer skills review or meaningful practice
  • be academically rigorous and challenging, yet will still be predictable and easy for students to complete independently
  • require students to use more than just knowledge, but will sometimes require creativity and fine motor skills as well
  • hold students’ interest and be appealing to students
  • be aligned with, and provide practice for, your state learning standards

So, go ahead and give yourself permission to feel good about adding worksheets to your lesson plans this winter! I’m going to share some math and literacy worksheets to get you started!

Kindergarten Winter Worksheets

I want to make the winter months easier for you now that the holiday season is over, winter break is just a memory, and the new year has begun!

That’s why I’ve put together a set of math and literacy worksheets for kindergarten that includes seasonal worksheets with a fun winter theme. These printable activities are designed to help you conquer the long frozen months of the winter season when you really need something to keep the kids going, but you’re stuck inside!

These no-prep worksheets offer you so many ways to differentiate learning in your classroom. You can easily adjust the skill levels of the assigned work to best support each student.

You can also use these winter worksheets to make your targeted skill practice more engaging. After the long winter break, kindergarteners often need to brush up on their literacy and math skills. You can make the January review a little more fun for them with these themed activities.

There are even holiday-themed activities that you can use for winter holidays like Valentine’s Day. This is an easy way to bring a little extra fun to your classroom as the holiday approaches.

It never ceases to amaze me how the addition of a seasonal theme to a worksheet can instantly grab the attention of young students. That’s what makes these winter-themed worksheets such an effective tool for skill practice, in addition to being standards-based and developmentally appropriate.

Kindergarten Winter Worksheets Plus a Free File 7
Kindergarten Winter Worksheets Plus a Free File 8

These worksheets are also great to have on hand for the inevitable sick day when students generously share their winter colds with you. These winter activities are easy to tuck into your emergency sub-binder for an extra activity option.

Printable Worksheets for the Whole Year

All of these winter worksheets are included in a year-long bundle of kindergarten worksheets. This resource is organized by month and each monthly set includes over 80 themed math and literacy worksheets to use in your classroom.

Additionally, with each of these sets, there are planning pages and incentive pages to keep students excited about learning! There are even resources that make a great homework communication tool for parents.

With this resource, you’ll be able to keep your students engaged in learning during the cold winter months! Just click below to take a closer look at everything included in this resource:

More Winter Activities for Kindergarten

If you’re looking to add even more winter fun to your lesson plans, be sure to check out some of my other winter activities for kindergarten.

Winter Poems for Kindergarten and First Grade. These easy poetry lessons will engage your classroom in shared reading. Focus on fluency while having fun!

For example, this post about kindergarten winter activities includes fun winter centers, poems, and more! You can also check out my post with January activities which includes a free planning guide to help you map out all of your winter learning!

I hope this post has given you some ideas and inspiration for your winter lesson plans! Stay warm, my friends!

Free Winter Download

I promised a free file, so here it is! Add your name and email address to the form below and I’ll send this free winter activity straight to your inbox.

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A collection of winter worksheets to practice literacy and math skills in kindergarten and first grade. You will love these engaging, no-prep winter printables that work great for morning work, centers, or any time throughout your day. Plus a free winter math printable!

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Deedee Wills

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

Hi, I'm DeedeE.

My teaching career allowed me to experience teaching in different classroom environments and grades. My heart belongs to early childhood education. My job is to make teaching FUN, ENGAGING, and EASIER. Welcome!

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