Thank you for joining us for Chapter 10 of In Pictures and In Words book study.
Katie Wood Ray talks about tone in this chapter. Although it is related to voice, it is not the word she wishes to use. On p. 195 she states, “tone refers to the overall blend and intensity of color, light, and shade in a picture, all of which evoke an emotional response in the viewer.”
In aoral language, the listener responds to not just the words, but also the facial and hand gestures of the speaker, the volume of the voice, and the intonation. In written language (and illustrations), the reader must glean understanding and intent based on the words (or images) only.
She goes on to give 3 examples of email responses to a question she was asked. One of which was her actual response. The meaning of all of these three emails were the same, but the tone in each was VERY different. One was personal, but business-like (the one she actually sent), the second was a bit snarky, and the last one overly familiar.
Being able to illicit the right emotional response from a reader is clearly important (especially when we are relying more heavily on emails, texts, Facebook, twitter, and … dare I say it?… blogs to communicate.
Please forgive me, but I am going to use just one book AND I am going to go backward in the book study for additional techniques this book can be used for. There is no way I could include them all.
So, you know I am a HUGE Anthony Browne fan. This is a book you MUST have! This can be used throughout any illustrative unit of study.
Me and You by Anthony Brown is a modern-day version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. It is told from different points of view.
# 10 Creating a Back Story
#25 Building Meaning from One Idea to the Next

#9 Showing Not Telling
#13 Crafting Details of Expression and Gesture

#4 Showing Two Sides of a Physical Space
#12 Seeing Through the Eyes of a Narrator
#32 Crafting Tone with Color

#7 Using Scenes to Show Movement Through Different Places.
#33 Shifting Tone by Shifting Color

I have also updated the cumulative book list from this study…FINALLY!
You can get your copy below, or grab it at any time.
Thank you Mrs. Jump for hosting this week’s chapter!
One more week left friends… can you believe it?
One more week left friends… can you believe it?
You can find our ready to print lesson plans for writers workshop by clicking on the image below.
13 Responses
Nice blog- love it- entering the giveaway- hope I am doing it right.
Hi Joyfully Yours! Thank you! To enter the book study giveaway, you should hop over to Mrs. Jump's blog. Comments that have reflections on chapter 10 will be considered for the gift certificate. I hope that makes sense. Good luck!
So happy to hear about this new version of The 3 Bears (at least to me). I've really enjoyed reading In Pictures and Words with you. Thanks! 🙂
Mrs. Goff's Pre-K Tales
Thanks Lyn! It is hard to admit, but I did not know this book before our book study. I thought… Man! Anthony Browne has some wonderful books…what else does he have?
I love, love, love this book!
You have such amazing taste in books. I have a whole new list of go to authors now. Thanks!
✰ Kimberley ✰
First in Maine
PS I got the job (more on my blog next week)
Woo Hoo! That is such exciting news. It was like it was tailor made for you! Such as blessing! Congratulations!!!
Thank you for sharing such great resources! Come on over to my blog and check out the award I nominated you for!
Ms. W
Hootin’ Around the Classroom
Looks like a great book! I'm adding it to my wish list!
hey deedee,i noticed you updated your math and ela common core assessment packs on tpt.i actually believe it or not bought these on teachers notebook today-how ironic! so i'm hoping i got the updated version?if not will you also update the ones on teacher's notebook since i just purchased today? thanks! leigh ann 🙂
Hi Leigh Ann! I updated my math assessments, but my ELAs did not change. If you email me, I will send you the updated math ones.
I closed my Teacher's Notebook store (but I didn't delete my products, in case people needed to go back and redownload their purchases)
Hi Dee Dee, nice post. What made you all want to blog about tone? It is really a fabulous idea, because I sometimes take so many things for granted when reading and get stuck sometimes with asking the same old questions to my students. Now I have something to look forward to as well as asking a new range of questions. Great post!
LOL… Chapter 10 in our book study is about tone. Thank you for stopping by! Katie Wood Ray's book is wonderful, so if you have not had a chance to look at it I highly suggest it.
Thanks again!