In Pictures and in Words Chapter 9: This chapter is about the wholeness of text and making the text all come together. One of the things I loved about Seinfeld (the sitcom) was how a seemingly meaningless detail at the beginning of the episode, would resurface later in the episode to bring it all together. Brilliant!
There are also details in a text that may not seem to have a deep meaning and yet it can bring cohesiveness to whole piece.
Barbara Lehman’s wordless book, The Secret Box is a perfect example of wholeness of text.
This is a story about a boy who places a secret box in the floor boards of this old house/school during the mid-1800’s… perhaps the civil war time. The change in the landscape lets you know that time has passed. The consistent details of the house, lets the reader know that this is the same house over time. In the following pictures you see and example of Technique 23: Keeping Static Details Consistent.

This circular image is from earlier in the book. The boy is hiding the secret box. You see his hat on the floor.
Once the secret box is discovered, children follow a map to find children (including the boy who originally hid the secret box). His hat and clothes help you to know it is him.

This next book is THE sweetest book! S-W-E-E-T!
Amos McGee works at the zoo and is a great friend to the animals there.
Amos having breakfast before he goes to work.

Amos getting on bus number 5 to go to work.

Walking into the City Zoo.

The animals leaving the same gate to go see Amos.

The animals on bus number 5 to go see Amos… love this picture!
The animals sitting in Amos’s kitchen.
This book would also work great with the next chapter on “Tone”
Thank you, Cheryl, for hosting this week’s chapter.
You can find our writing units that incorporate illustrative studies by clicking on the image below.
7 Responses
I love Amos…and your blog, too!
Owl Things First
a sick day looks like such a cute book =)
Just Wild About Teaching
I love being introduced to new books! They look wonderful! 🙂
Crayons and Curls
Thanksl for introducing these. I'll check them out. Renee
You are awesome! Thanks so much for all you do! I am getting so many ideas! My book wish list is growing with each post! Please don't tell my husband!
I have to say that I didn't love this chapter as much as the others. I am not sure why. One of my favorite books is The Day It Rained Hearts. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!! The author's words don't always match the illustrations (done a very cool, intentional way), but each tell a crucial part of the story! I believe it is a prime example of Chapter 9 particularly technique 26. Thanks for all the great book ideas. I just am thrilled to be participating in this study!